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Cody + Meghan : An Oklahoma Ranch Engagement

You know you love your job (and your friends), when you agree to drive to Oklahoma, do an engagement session, and drive back the next morning. Meghan and I became friends a few years ago, through a rather funny circumstance, but within the last year have become super close. Our love of God is what immediately began our friendship, and it only grew as we realized our mutual love of all things western and vintage. So when Meg and Cody got engaged, it was a no brainer that I would travel there to do their engagement photos. Their love for each other shines through these photos, and their story of Godly dating is such an encouragement and a blessing. Keep reading to see some of the highlights of our session, as well as hear their story!

When/ how did you meet?

Meg: We met almost 6 years ago in college at OPSU. We were at a mutual friend’s house and were introduced to each other and also had a class together. We stayed casual acquaintances until a little over a year ago when things just fell into place and we started dating!

Cody: At college, we had English class together!

Who asked who on your first date?

Meg: Cody asked me, but I pretty much decided what we were going to do!

Cody: I did

What was your first date?

Meg: We went to Amarillo for dinner and dancing. We had a nice steak for supper and cut some rug, then started to drive back to Goodwell, and it was total blizzard conditions! You couldn’t see the lines on the road and people were sledding off into the ditches left and right. Eventually, when things got bad enough, we pulled over and had to wait it out for a while. So we just sat in Cody’s pickup talked for hours! That was by far the best part of that night because we were finally starting to get more comfortable with each other and not so nervous. I think we learned a lot about one another in that time.

Cody:We went to Amarillo for the day. Got stuck in a blizzard on the way home.

What are your favorite things to do together?

Meg: As lame as this sounds, we really like to work together. When I don’t have to be at my office job, I usually go help Cody with his cattle. Spending that time together as a team is so rewarding and brings us really close. We also teach kids church together. Cody is really great with those little boys and I love watching him serve the Lord with passion.

Cody: I like when we travel to rodeos or to a new place.

Was there a moment when you knew things were serious or that you could spend the rest of your life with each other?

Meg: When Cody and I first started talking (and I mean like two days after we started talking), I was telling my mom that I’d marry him someday. It was meant in a joking matter at the time, but it wasn’t too long after that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. As soon as I heard from God that he was the one, I’ve never doubted that we would get married. It was kind of a surprise when it happened, because it was only a few months after we started dating, and I was worried that Cody didn’t feel the same way. However, I knew that if God was behind bringing us together, I could rest in that security.

Cody:Whenever I really saw how much she loved gods presence. And anytime she cooks or helps me I know she's the one.

What is one of your favorite memories together?

Meg: There was a time during calving season when I went to work with Cody to tag calves and we were out in this pasture looking for new babies. We found one and Cody asked me if I wanted to catch it. We got the tag ready and Cody was armed with an axe handle to ward off the momma if she got angry. I hopped out of the pickup, caught, and flanked the calf, looked around to get the tag from Cody, and he wasn’t behind me. When I looked back around in front of me, that momma cow was mad as a hornet and getting pretty darn close. Cody finally got there to get her away (even if it was a little late), and handed me the tag. After we let the calf up, I realized how frazzled he was! He wasn’t making a whole lot of sense when he was talking, but I figured out he was late because he didn’t think I’d actually catch the calf, and with that mean cow getting so close, he thought I’d bail too. He was impressed and I thought it was sweet he got pretty protective. He was nervous in the moment, but we laugh about it all the time now!

Cody: Our first date

Meg: For something else I want to include, I just want to let girls out there who are desperately trying to find a man to stop. Seek after God with that passion. Pray that He brings a loving man into your life in God's timing. It was when I laid my life down, and that included my romantic life, to the Lord that Cody happened into my life. He's way more than I could've ever imagined I would find in a man, and I didn't think men like him even existed before I knew him. But I owe that all to God.

WOW! I love their story. Of course I already knew some of this, but I get chills hearing them retell it. I love how they enjoy the simple things in life like working cattle together and traveling to rodeos. My favorite part of their story is how God was truly a matchmaker. He brought them together after years of knowing each other, and their live grew in Him! Meghan's message to single ladies about being content in The Lord and allowing Him to bring the right man at the right time resonated with me, and I could not agree more. This couple truly brings God honor and glory and I cannot WAIT to see the beautiful things their marriage will do. Love y'all and I hope you enjoyed this wonderful Oklahoma engagement.

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